The Cat and the Moon by WB Yeats performed by Blue Raincoat Theatre Company
The Cat and the Moon by WB Yeats performed by Blue Raincoat Theatre Company
At the Hawk’s Well by WB Yeats performed by Blue Raincoat Theatre Company
At the Hawk’s Well by WB Yeats performed by Blue Raincoat Theatre Company
for The Cat and the Moon and At the Hawk’s Well
plays by W.B. Yeats
directed by Niall Henry (The Cat and the Moon) and Kelly Hughes (At the Hawk’s Well)
productions by Blue Raincoat Theatre Company, Ireland
performed by Fiona McGeown and John Carty (The Cat and the Moon) and by Niall Henry, John Carty and Marketa Formanova (At the Hawk’s Well)
photos by Peter Martin & Peter Crann